Entries by Dr. Alston (21)


Soften Your Face

Breathe into your jaw, let them hang loosely. Relax you check bones, eyes, forehead, ear, scalp and even your hair follicles. Our facial expression connects to our emotions, whether pleasant or unpleasant. We hold the struggle, memories and unresolved emotions in our face. Interestingly, we mimic the faces of the people we're around. If anger and sadness, is what we see, than we past that on down to our children. ÀseYoga encourages the softening of the face. Because our facial expressions activates our limbic system such as the amygdala. Regardless of whats coming out of our mouth, our facial frowns send messages to our body that may be causing harm. Facial expressions are connected to our neural activity which control our emotional experiences. Realize what you're doing to yourself and others by the way you hold your face. Become a different person. Soften your face. Feel Good. Share ÀseYoga. www.thepowerofase.net




Right Understanding

Before birth, at birth or during our childhood or even now, our experiences have kept us going in and out of three states: chaos, conflict and indifference. Chaos stem from the choices we make. Engaging in relationships out of fear, not love. Unfortunately, we infect our children with the chaos we’ve created. Conflict with who we really are and who we pretend to be. With conflict, we go through life being defensive in an effort to protect our false identity. When we don’t care, and randomly engage in harmful behaviors to our selves and others, we become indifferent. What we don’t realize is that indifference bred cynicism which diminishes our humanity. 

The only way to transform our experiences is through right understanding.   


Obstacle Remover

If you could be someone else, who would you be? If not yourself, than you have not tapped into who you really are. You are far more than who you've become. Forces in life either inspire us to reach our fullest potential or distract us. Many of us have been distracted. These distractions have become obstacles. Practice this mudra to overcome your obstacles. Hold your left hand in front of your chest with the palm facing outward. Bend the fingers. Now grasp the left hand with the right hand, which has it back facing outwards. Move the hands to the level of the heart, right in front of the chest. While exhaling puling the hands apart without releasing the grip. While inhaling, let go of all the tension. Repeat 6 times and then lovingly place both hands on the sternum in this position. Remove the distractions, remove the obstacles. Practice once daily. Open up your life. Affirm your existence. Feel Good. Experience Àse Yoga. 




If you could reduce your anxiety, decrease your blood pressure, reduce your heart rate, slow the aging process, improve fertility, reverse your genes for dis-ease, decrease stress and tension, improve immunity, calm your nerves, reduce anti-inflamatory disease, increase your creativity, balance your emotions, change your life and really feel good---would you do it. Well you can by meditating.



Three ways to stress-less and live better…
1. Find your breath
2. Feel your breath
3. Focus on your breath.

                                        Experience Àse Yoga.