Entries by Dr. Alston (21)



Our jobs can be a reservoir of suffering, or source of joy. What we do not for a living but to infused vitality or life force into our life defines us. If there is no vitality, no excitement, no energy, than we've become a cadaver in motion.It doesn't matter how much money we make, or even what we do. An attorney can be a cadaver, and street cleaner can be enlighten. Entertainer and athletes alike can be cadavers. What matters is that we're one with what we're doing. What matters is that we let go and create a life we love. What matters is that like Lazarus, we come forth. At this moment, Rise! Feel the energy. Share Àse Yoga.



We hide our perfections with our imperfections. Our soul is perfect. But often, we misunderstand the experiences of the soul. That misunderstanding leads us to overeat, hold onto toxic relationships, neglect our body, live in unclean environments, stay stuck in jobs that suck the life out of us and live with chronic sickness.  Let no one hide your perfection. Unveil your perfection. Show off your gift of divinity. Reform your your life. Make peace with yourself. 



Without awareness, we don't change. It's our unawareness that keeps us stuck. Our unawareness makes us not like, what we need to hear, and to like those things that reinforces our conditioning. We go on fighting with ourselves. Commit to growing, spiritually. Experience Ase Yoga.



Thoughtful Gift

All gifts are not thoughtful. If they're not thoughtful than they're not a gift. When its not a gift, its clutter. True story: A man ask that his two grown daughters stop giving him the world greatest dad t-shirts. He doesn't want them going to the dollar store, and giving him one of the countless versions of worlds greatest dad t-shirts. Sometimes, we give out of obligation, not love. Celebrate that unique person, not for the occasion. Risk letting someone know this is love. Give the gift of thoughtfulness. Experience Àse Yoga.



What are you telling yourself? It could be healing or harming you. How about telling yourself. "I feel good."