Reading does the brain good...

Reading is good for your health. Books can change your life. When you read, you travel, first class worldwide. And yet, reading is not a given, it's a gift. Unfortunately, so many forces pull us away from reading. And what's even sadder, many of us were not taught how to read, and do not enjoy reading. Reading, however, can enhance the function of our brain. Brain-healthy lifestyle may be able to prevent Alzheimer's and dementia. Reading is good for the brain. Àse Yoga is launching a Book Club and Tea to en-lighten the mind beginning September 21, 2014 at 12:00pm at the Àse Yoga studio.. Please join us in becoming a brain healthy community. Lets converse about what we read. Lets resurrect libraries in our home. Lets take care of our brain. Experience Àse Yoga.
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