Bad Luck vs Good Luck?

When ever something happens good to us, we feel good, and think little about it. In fact, often we don't even express an appreciation for the good things that happen in our life. But let something unpleasant happen, and we're quick to blame it on "bad luck" Some people go as far as to say" nothing good ever happens for them." They moan and groan about how nothing ever goes right for them. They began to inflict wounds on their self-esteem. In essence, they become a victim by something that happens to all of us. Say your electric gets turn off. You could either groan and moan or realize you didn't pay the bill and accept the consequence. Same with getting your car booted for unpaid tickets. This isn't bad luck or good luck, this has more to do with the choices we make in life. One of the hardest things for us to do is to accept our responsibility for what goes on in our life. Personal responsibility for eating out and not having money to pay our bills, staying up late, and being tired, texting and having an accident is difficult. The ego just won't allow us to accept that responsibility so we place it on this abstract concept of bad luck good luck. Something is always happening to each one of us, the key is to learn from our experiences, rather than project it outward. Learn the lessons, and life will change. Experience Ase Yoga.
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