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Real Food Nourish The Body

The Art of Feeling Good is about being physically and psychologically healthy. Healthiness is a personal responsibility. No one can force you to be healthy. Our medical system is not a health or wellness system. When you observe family and friends eating fake foods, processed,refined and chemically altered foods, its like watching someone commit suicide. Although nature provides us with food to eat, we've opted for white bread, donuts, bagels, pizzas, crackers cookies, pasta. All refined carbohydrates. White sugar, high fructose corn syrup and refined white flour do not provide us with the essential nutrients to feel good. Too many reasons to count exist why we insist on this form of suicide. One that stands out though is emotional. We do what our peers do. If they eat unhealthy, than we will to. Anger also contributes to eating unhealthy. But we will, in the end, pay the price, for eating phony foods. What's the point in spending money on your hair, and ignoring your health? or putting hundred of dollars for designer nails, yet you cholesterol is over 200? Buying clothes, creating or perhaps even looking, when you're killing yourself by the way you eat. Why aspire, if you're cutting your life short because of self-imposed undernourishment? Commit to whole food eating. Today, feel good shedding those extra pounds,and nourishing your internal organs. Save your life. Experience Àse Yoga.www.thepowerofaseyoga.net


Reader Comments (1)

I really like this blogs, its very informative and after reading this i really learn how real food nourish the body,
Thank You
Food Time

August 23, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterFood Time

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