Family Redefined

What does is mean to be family? What if we have it wrong? More importantly, what if we are limiting ourselves with how we define family. People come into our lives, and we relegate them as outsiders because they were not born from the same mother or father or blood line. Yet they give unconditional love, and in deep communion with us. In contrast,those we share a blood connection with rarely call, ignore us, harm us and don't seem to have any use for us---we call family. But what if the people sent into our lives are truly family, and the others illusion. What if we have to "become" family not out of duty but unconditional love. Lets evolve by not limiting who we call family. Let go of the status quo and move forward. Create paradise right here on earth by appreciating those who have come into our life as family. Create your family. Experience Àse

Reader Comments (1)
i am totally agree with your article family is the best gift in life